Thank you for your interest in contacting me! There are several ways to get in touch with me, depending on your preference.




7 Cups

If you are a member of freeCodeCamp, you can find me on the platform and send me a message there.

If you are a member of OhWrite, you can find me in the Global Room from time to time and send me a message through the group chat.

I am a participant of the events of the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) website, so you can find me here during NaNo events and send me a message.

I am a Mentor Leader in the Internship Program of the 7 Cups Academy, where I train Academy Mentors. If you want to join our team, sign up as a 7 Cups Listener. If you just need someone to listen, feel free to reach out to me here. My username is amiableVision1813.